Classroom Adventure, an EdTech startup originating from Keio University, launched its latest program, “The Disappearance of Ray,” on December 1, 2024. This unique network literacy program allows participants to experience the dangers of involvement in black part-time jobs, such as fraud or theft, through interactive simulations. Several educational institutions in Japan have already adopted the program.

Enhancing Digital Literacy Among Young People with an Immersive Experience
The proliferation of social media has intensified the issue of young people being lured into “black part-time jobs.” In 2024, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department reported over 10,000 warnings about these activities, with approximately 80% of arrests involving individuals in their teens or twenties. Developing the ability to discern dangerous job postings online is now a critical educational goal.
In response, Classroom Adventure, with a strong track record in digital literacy education, developed The Disappearance of Ray. This program uses a mystery game format based on the sudden disappearance of a popular streamer. Participants analyze social media posts and uncover the realities of black part-time jobs, gaining insights into the psychological processes that make individuals susceptible to criminal recruitment.
The Disappearance of Ray won the Grand Prize at Tokyo Startup Gateway 2024, a major startup competition featuring a record 3,317 applicants. With its adoption by numerous schools and partnerships with local governments, the program is expected to significantly contribute to improving young people’s network literacy.