The domestic real estate market continues on a recovery trend, but going forward, environmental issues and DX (digital transformation) are emerging as key themes in the market. Tokyu Land Corporation is one of the leading companies actively engaged in sustainable real estate development, promoting the use of renewable energy and driving DX initiatives.

Cutting-Edge Real Estate Development through DX and GX
The real estate market has been steadily recovering, supported by rising land prices in commercial and residential areas. In commercial districts, the recovery of inbound demand has stabilized the need for retail stores and hotels in major cities. Particularly in the Shibuya area, large-scale redevelopment projects led by Tokyu Land Corporation have been successful, driving increased demand for office spaces. With rising rental prices and decreasing vacancy rates, land values are expected to continue climbing.
Tokyu Land Corporation identifies “the environment” as a major theme for the future of the real estate market. Through its renewable energy business, the company operates 113 power plants nationwide and has achieved full renewable energy use in all its facilities. This achievement has been recognized by the international environmental initiative “RE100,” marking the first time that the RE100 goal has been officially recognized in Japan.
In addition to developing environmentally-friendly office buildings and condominiums, the company is also constructing a data center in Ishikari, Hokkaido, that will run entirely on renewable energy. This project is part of their GX (Green Transformation) efforts, advancing environmentally-conscious real estate development.
Tokyu Land Corporation is also focusing on the development of logistics facilities utilizing DX. These state-of-the-art logistics facilities are designed with the goals of efficient operations and reducing environmental impact, and they are expected to bring innovation to corporate supply chains. By doing so, the company is not only contributing to real estate development but also playing a role in providing infrastructure that supports the sustainable cities of the future.
As environmental issues and DX gain attention as new focal points in the real estate market, Tokyu Land Corporation is expected to continue advancing its forward-thinking initiatives.
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