Aichi Prefecture has selected eight projects for the “Aichi Environmental Innovation Project,” aimed at supporting startups that create innovative technologies in the environmental sector. This initiative will accelerate efforts towards achieving next-generation environmental technologies in areas such as energy, carbon recycling, and the circular economy. Moving forward, these selected companies will advance technology implementation through collaborations with local businesses and expert advice.

Implementing Aichi-Originated Environmental Technologies for a Sustainable Society

From May 13 to July 12, 2024, Aichi Prefecture invited startups and companies nationwide to submit technologies and ideas related to environmental innovation. This call for submissions aimed to implement Aichi-originated environmental technologies and build a sustainable society, receiving 95 applicants with 96 proposals from across the country.
The applications were categorized into six themes, addressing a wide range of environmental issues, including energy generation and greenhouse gas absorption and utilization. A committee comprising experts and academics from Nagoya University and Chubu TLO Business Consultants evaluated the submissions, selecting eight projects highly rated for innovation and co-creation.
The selected eight projects are categorized into the following five themes:

1. Energy Creation and Utilization Models
E-Thermogen Tech Inc. (Kyoto Prefecture): Developed “thermoelectric power generation” technology utilizing low-temperature waste heat from factories. This technology converts waste heat directly into electricity without using turbines, enhancing energy efficiency in factories.
Toyohashi Biomass Solutions Inc. (Aichi Prefecture): Proposing a next-generation biogas power generation system utilizing methane fermentation technology with over twice the efficiency of conventional methods. Expected to be implemented in food factories.
2. Carbon Recycling Models
Toyo Construction Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Prefecture): Established a scheme to fix CO2 from factory exhaust and the atmosphere into seawater final disposal sites. This technology is anticipated to improve greenhouse gas reduction and waste management.
3. Sustainable Society Realization Model with Community Engagement
Studio Spoby Inc. (Tokyo Prefecture): Developed an app that visualizes citizens’ decarbonization actions. The app displays CO2 reduction amounts from using public transportation, aiming to promote environmental actions among citizens and employees.
4. Circular Economy Business Models
FFF Fortississimo Inc. (Aichi Prefecture): Proposed technology for recycling carbon fibers extracted from used carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP). This technology aims to enable CFRP reuse and establish a recycling chain.
Space Wasp Inc. (Gifu Prefecture): Suggested technology for producing interior materials using 100% of vegetable and fruit waste. This technology promotes the effective use of plant waste and aims to provide sustainable building materials.
Sahashi Special Steel Co., Ltd. (Aichi Prefecture): Developed technology to recycle used paper diapers. Combining friction heat grinding and drying technology with deodorization technology, this approach achieves paper diaper recycling.
5. Visualization of Nature’s Value Models
DeepForest Technologies Inc. (Kyoto Prefecture): Developed a forest monitoring system combining drones and AI. This system analyzes data captured by drones using AI, allowing for the assessment of CO2 absorption in forests.

Aichi Prefecture will provide “accompanying support” for the selected projects, including matching with local companies, offering demonstration fields, and providing technical assistance from experts. Specific support will include funding for commercialization, understanding market needs, and refining business plans. Additionally, exchange meetings and results presentation meetings will be organized to foster collaboration with businesses and institutions inside and outside the prefecture.

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