A major challenge in promoting renewable energy policies by local governments is the lack of public understanding. According to a survey conducted by Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd., 82.4% of policy officers feel that “citizens do not fully understand” these policies.

Economic Effect Simulations and Guarantee Systems Are Key to Local Government Renewable Energy Initiatives
The survey by Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd. found that 82.4% of local governments working on renewable energy policies believe that public understanding is insufficient. This is largely due to persistent concerns and anxieties that citizens have about renewable energy initiatives.
The most commonly cited concern, raised by 70.5% of respondents, was “concern over financial burden.” Other concerns included “disruption to the landscape” and “increased damage during disasters.” Additionally, 47.1% of policy officers cited “uncertainty about long-term economic benefits” as a barrier to promoting renewable energy.
The survey also revealed that 79.4% of policy officers believe that presenting the results of economic effect simulations could effectively promote public understanding of solar power and battery storage installation. Furthermore, 80.4% of respondents indicated that adoption would proceed more smoothly if there were a system in place to guarantee the results of these economic simulations.
These findings suggest that providing reliable economic effect simulations and implementing a system to guarantee the results could significantly improve public understanding, leading to a faster adoption of renewable energy policies.
When asked about measures that local governments should take to further promote renewable energy, 52.0% of respondents cited “providing subsidies and grants,” highlighting the importance of financial support in driving adoption. Other key measures included “providing detailed and accurate information” (48.0%) and “holding community meetings and consultations with local residents” (38.2%).
The survey results underscore the importance of gaining public understanding when advancing local government renewable energy initiatives. Presenting economic effect simulations and implementing guarantee systems are crucial to this process. Additionally, offering financial support and improving information dissemination are necessary steps.
As renewable energy adoption progresses, it is expected to contribute not only to creating a sustainable energy society in the region but also to protecting the global environment. Moving forward, local governments will need to prioritize dialogue with citizens, enhance the transparency of policies, and explore effective strategies for promoting renewable energy.
Visit the press release here