On August 2 this year, the government approved the “Fifth Basic Plan for Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society” to promote waste reduction and recycling. This plan is based on the Basic Law for Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society and aims to promote measures for creating such a society in a comprehensive and systematic manner. It is to be reviewed approximately every five years. The current plan, which was formulated in June 2018, underwent a review following a request from the Minister of the Environment to the Central Environment Council in November 2023. After deliberations, the Chairman of the Central Environment Council submitted recommendations in July 2024.

From a Mass Production and Consumption Economy to the Era of the Circular Economy

The “Fifth Basic Plan for Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society” recognizes that transitioning to a circular economy, in conjunction with addressing environmental challenges such as climate change, biodiversity conservation, and pollution prevention, will also contribute to solving social issues like regional revitalization, improving quality of life, enhancing industrial competitiveness, and strengthening economic security. As a result, the plan is positioned as a key national strategic policy. In other words, Japan will shift from a mass production and consumption economy to the era of the circular economy.
Specifically, the plan identifies five critical areas, including “comprehensive resource recycling throughout the entire life cycle through inter-business collaboration,” “strengthening resource circulation and waste management infrastructure and ensuring proper disposal and environmental restoration,” and “establishing an appropriate international resource circulation system and promoting the overseas expansion of recycling industries.”
For local governments nationwide and many companies involved in the circular economy business, this marks the official start of creating Japan’s new ecosystem and business design based on the circular economy, with an eye toward 2030 and 2050.

Fifth Basic Plan for Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society

Outline of the Fifth Basic Plan for Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society

Results of the Public Consultation on the “Draft Fifth Basic Plan for Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society”

Ministry of the Environment Related Website